Friday, October 24, 2008


Sleep, who needs it right? I constantly do not have enough sleep. I try to catch up but once you lose it, you def. can not gain it back. Take for instance these past two days. I had to work Wednesday night and Thursday night. I got up at 8am on Wednesday and took a two hour nap before going to work. I worked a 12hr shift and then proceeded to pick up Reagan and take her to Maw Maws. I then came home and slept 4hrs before going back and picking her up. After that I went back into work for another 12hr shift. Today(Friday) I have only gotten a cat nap(literally) of a few minutes since Reagan is running around the house. Ryan ended up having to work a Sat Check and didn't get home till 6am this morning. As the good wife:O), I let him sleep. So now, can you see why I am always tired?!?!

Yes, Ryan is up now and has offered several times for me to go to bed. But I hate sleeping the day away if it is my day off. Also, he and I only get TWO FULL days together(if that). I rather be a little sleepy than not have my family time. Reagan absolutely loves when her daddy is off. She def. has him wrapped around his finger. It is quite comical what she can get him to do! So whether I am sleepy or not I will make the sacrifice to stay awake and catch up another day!

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